My morning meditation begins at 7:30 in a nearby pool. For an hour each day I am able to exercise my body and free my mind to flow with the water and explore the nooks and crannies of experience. For me it is a magical time of solitude and at the same time oneness with the water which has become a metaphor for all of creation. the rhythmic splash of the water as I go through my motions lulls me into an altered state where things seem clearer and I am able to observe life from a distance and see patterns and forms that are less obvious when in the chaos of life being lived in form. It is as if I am one with my higher self and find words to express the vision...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mindful Transitions

It seems we are all evaluating what it means for us to live a life of integrity and purpose. Just surviving life’s challenges no longer seems enough. The people I interact with on a daily basis are all feeling a tug to move higher, closer, and with more intent and purpose. We are all discovering what that means for us in the third-dimensional reality of mundane lives.

For me this last seven months has been a time of growth and expansion. Having left home, job, family, friends, and “security” in New Mexico I embarked on an adventure in consciousness that was to prove as transformational as educational. All of this to live in a place where I knew few, with a man I had only recently met, with only a room in his house to call my own. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

No longer in the shadow of my former life as wife, mother and “expert”, I was free to create a new life on my own terms. People only knew of me what I choose to reveal and it was up to me as to how I wished to define myself and who I wished to be. But who was “I” really? The answer continues to reveal itself as I evolve and grow in the new environment.

Having checked out my new housemate beforehand and determined that he was operating in a higher vibration of reality, I understood that at least we would have a similar frame of reference and understanding. This proved to be an understatement as we soon found that we flowed easily together and shared many common interests including movies, cooking, and gardening. I was led to volunteer with his non-profit organization and he introduced me to others in the community that he had lived in for 30 years. The real catalyst was when I introduced him to the Unity church and we both became enmeshed in the lives of the most evolved group of people I have ever met in an atmosphere of truth and gratitude. It became a dance of communication, growth, and understanding with many evolved souls that might have taken years in a less spiritual environment.

Another conscious housemate appeared and we began to evolve as a spiritual family. We have begun to envision ways of expanding this into an intentional community and inviting others to join in the process. Our time in this house will come to a close in September and we are opening to creating an expanded version of this new (to me) way of being together in the new paradigm. I believe it will involve conscious awareness of the oneness of creation, but individually expressed with all our diversity complimenting the others without the ego-based dramas.

What seems to make our experience different from others I have heard about is the total lack of fearful, ego-based thinking, an openness and commitment to honest, heartfelt communication. We are consciously and mindfully creating the world in which we are living in a spirit of joyful abundance. However others may choose to perceive our situation is irrelevant for we are living life fully in the moment, knowing that everything that is happening is in the highest and best good, no matter what it looks like. I can’t wait until this is the universal vision of reality!


You might wish to check our progress on the Mindful Transition site on Facebook .

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