My morning meditation begins at 7:30 in a nearby pool. For an hour each day I am able to exercise my body and free my mind to flow with the water and explore the nooks and crannies of experience. For me it is a magical time of solitude and at the same time oneness with the water which has become a metaphor for all of creation. the rhythmic splash of the water as I go through my motions lulls me into an altered state where things seem clearer and I am able to observe life from a distance and see patterns and forms that are less obvious when in the chaos of life being lived in form. It is as if I am one with my higher self and find words to express the vision...

Saturday, August 27, 2011

BEing - In the Eye of the Hurricane

As the pictures of Irene move ever closer to the lives of millions, I am reminded of what it is like to be in the throws of a storm. As we are tossed around by the challenges of life, we come to realize that the only control we have is our attitude and acceptance. The storms of the physical world are merely reflective of the turmoil we create in our lives by our unwillingness to come from a space of Love. It is in that calm, Loving center that we find true peace.

Having grown up in Houston, I have witnessed my share of hurricanes. I also remember the calm in the eye of the storm. I remember looking up and seeing the sun and blue sky where moments ago were raging winds and rain. That is where I choose to make my home. For me it is just a case of being fully conscious in the present, despite what appears to be turmoil around me. That is the illusion. For me there is only the now.

If I have but one life to live and am making it up as I go along, why would I choose other than to make it Loving and honoring of myself and others? If there is no present or future, only now, what more could I ask than being in a space of calm and Love. This is where I choose to be and what I choose to experience.

Going back to the eye of the hurricane…this is not a stagnant spot. As structures and lives are torn asunder, the eye continues to move over new territory for growth. Around me is devastation caused by the precursors of what is to follow. It is not easy to see what has happened unless you are able to take the broader view of destruction being necessary for creation on higher ground. I believe this is what is happening in the physical as well as the social and spiritual.

Societies and belief systems are being torn apart by the winds of change. The crumbling effigies to greed and fear are unable to withstand the earthquakes of awakening consciousness. The phoenix is emerging from the ashes and the sky is blue and bright with promise. The second wave is coming but only the fearful and inflexible will be washed out with the tide of change. Those who have aligned themselves with the attitudes of Love and forgiveness, compassion and courage have the tools required to weather the storms of life.

I am grateful to BE in the moment and riding the rising tide of growth and understanding. All else is illusion.
