My morning meditation begins at 7:30 in a nearby pool. For an hour each day I am able to exercise my body and free my mind to flow with the water and explore the nooks and crannies of experience. For me it is a magical time of solitude and at the same time oneness with the water which has become a metaphor for all of creation. the rhythmic splash of the water as I go through my motions lulls me into an altered state where things seem clearer and I am able to observe life from a distance and see patterns and forms that are less obvious when in the chaos of life being lived in form. It is as if I am one with my higher self and find words to express the vision...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Making Love Not War

I am grateful for all of the people in my life but especially the men for they give me a different way of looking at the world. I am delighted to see that the gratitude circle I attend each week is usually about equally represented by both men and women which has not always been the case in previous groups I have been in. Perhaps men and women are finding ways of coming together in more cooperative forms of intercourse.

I think back to early TV shows like I Love Lucy and the Honeymooners where relationships were all about manipulation and deception in order to achieve personal wants. I am so glad at least some of us seem to have evolved past these outdated dramas – at least I hope we have. Or is it that I just live in the rarefied environment of Sedona where more enlightened souls have chosen to congregate. Hopefully this is a harbinger of the new reality.
I truly believe that men and women do think differently. It is not just that women want to talk a problem to death and men just want to fix it. That may have been the old paradigm but now we seem to be learning to come together and honor both our masculine and feminine natures. The new paradigm is about balance in all things and working within the dynamics of cooperation and respect rather than fear and isolation.

I know I can roll a situation around in my mind, examining it from many levels and come to my own conclusions but it is inevitably when I compare my findings with the men in my life that I see a big missing piece that escaped my attention. It seems we do need each other not just in a physical sense, but to flesh out the complementary parts of our own vision and experience.
I remember a couple of weeks ago my friend, John spoke and blogged about women, or perhaps a woman, who helped him open up and express his feelings and emotions. I think a lot of evolved men are discovering the same thing and it feels good. At the same time we women are learning to respect and honor that and to accept our own power to direct our lives, solve our own problems, find our voices, and trust and honor our own wisdom which also feels good also. In the surrender to our own vulnerability we seem to be integrating as well as learning to work together in higher purpose. That feels really good.
I am very grateful for the men in my life that have shown me that the battle of the sexes is a no win and that greater rewards are to be found in finding common ground and making love not war. Thanks guys… I am very grateful.